Columbia Post Weight Loss Expert

Columbia, SC – Favorite PLASTIC Surgeon
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Sculpt And Restore After
Weight Loss

Let’s face it – losing weight is probably one of the hardest tasks there is for a person to accomplish, particularly after you reach a certain age.

Sometimes, even after you lose the weight, you are still stuck with a look that is less than desirable, such as excess, baggy skin. At Carlin Plastic Surgery, we can help you reach that elusive obtainable goal.

After Significant Weight Loss:
Contact Carlin Plastic Surgery

Carlin plastic surgery

The skin is the largest organ in your body and forms a protective barrier against the environment.

The innermost layer of your skin consists of proteins, including collagen and elastin. Collagen, which makes up 80% of your skin’s structure, provides firmness and strength. Elastin provides elasticity and helps your skin stay tight. During weight gain, skin expands to make room for increased growth in the abdomen and other parts of the body.

Most overweight and obese people carry extra weight for years, often beginning as early as childhood or adolescence.When skin has been significantly stretched and remains that way for a long period of time, collagen and elastin fibers become damaged. As a result, they lose some of their ability to shrink with weight loss. Carlin Plastic Surgery can offer you options to combat loose, saggy skin. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation.

C. Brett Carlin, M.D., F.A.C.S.

Brett carlin

Exceptional Plastic Surgery In Columbia, SC

As a board certified , South Carolina plastic surgeon, Dr C. Brett Carlin has been practicing state of the art cosmetic plastic surgery in Columbia since 1998. His practice is limited to aesthetic surgery of the face, breast, and body, as well as reconstructive surgery of the face and breast for defects incurred as a result of cancer.

By narrowing his practice in scope, he is able to offer his patients truly superior care and expertise. “Our specialty encompasses a very broad spectrum. If you only do a few cases of a specific procedure each year, you never really gain meaningful experience nor expertise with it. It is hard to proficient in all aspects of plastic surgery. Find what you do well and become the best you can be at it.”


American society of plastic surgeons
The american board of surgery
The american board of plastic surgery
Columbia metro

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Dr. C. Brett Carlin, MD | Board Certified Plastic Surgeon